Thursday, May 19, 2011

Figs & Farmer's Cheese

This dish is sweet, light, and delicious! Perfect for a spring breakfast or a healthy dessert. Figs have been my all time favorite fruit since I can remember. I like them fresh, dried, and jammed. When I was a little girl my mother once came back from the grocery store and was so happy she found two beautiful containers of fresh figs! She put them in the fridge and told me that we would all share them in the morning for breakfast. Of course I snuck one and before I could grab a hold of the situation I had inhaled both containers of figs, just leaving one helpless and tiny fig for everyone else to share. 
1) Wash each fig delicately, dry them 
and quarter them. Unless they are smaller figs 
in which case you can halve them.
2) In a pan break up 7 ounces of farmer's cheese and let it heat up on a medium-high flame. 
3) Drizzle two tablespoons of honey into the farmer's cheese and stir.
4) Add one heaping tablespoon of ground cinnamon. Stir in gently.
5) Once the honey and cinnamon are evenly mixed in, and the mixture begins to melt , take the pan off the flame and let it cool for a couple of minutes.
6) Put the farmers cheese on a plate and place the figs on top. Drizzle honey lightly over the figs and bed of farmer's cheese. 

Bon Appétit!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yum is not the word...

  3. Hey all, I can personally vouch for these! They were amazing! Go chana!!!!

  4. It is not often that a single photograph can capture the essence of a summer’s day; yet these pictures seem to do so so effortlessly. These pictures, just like the recipe itself, are rustic yet modern, simple yet complex, and beautiful yet understated. In a word they are art.

  5. it is so sleek and modern the photos. and it seems to capture.... well a certain image that the cook is trying to dipict in this case it was shown in a beautiful manner. well done chana,again! p.s-can u guess who this is!
